The Altar & Rosary Society is a spiritual ministry which cooperates with the Pastor to foster good will and to aid him in Parish activities. The members of the Society clean the votive cups and Holy Water fonts weekly and assist with bereavement luncheons. They furnish flowers, purchas altar linens as needed. Members decorate the altar at specified times. This ministry leads the rosary on the first Sunday of the month before the 9:00 AM Holy Mass.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Altar & Rosary Society meets on the first Tuesday of the month September through May. Meetings begin at 6:30 PM with a social and followed by a business meeting from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM. We have three potluck meals - September, May, and December. All Catholic women are welcome to join!
For questions regarding Altar & Rosary Society
Contact information: Martha Orem (president)
phone numbers : 361-664-6417 or 361-701-7486
email : [email protected]
President - Martha Orem
Vice President - Dr. Julie Reyna
Secretary - Basilia Lomas
Treasurer - Alicia Renken