Please pray for the sick of our Parish, our family, relatives and friends. Ask our Lord for their healing blessings:
Charley Adams
Rhea Airis (Age 3)
Mary Bazan
Hilda Canales
Christian Carrillo
Francisco Charles
Shannon Cotter
Rosie Galvan
Amelia Garcia
Felma Garcia
Javier Garcia
Rosa Garcia
Alicia (Lichita) Gonzalez
Rago Gonzalez
Manuel Hernandez
Lelia Keliehor
Pat Langford
Eva Almaraz Mandel
Cristal Mendez
Elia G. Montemayor
Lucy Moore
Aida Munoz
David Munoz
Wallace Newman
Horacio (Lacho) Oliviera, Jr.
Gilbert Ozuna
Mena Paez
John Pate and family
Arnoldo Perez
Baldemar Perez, Sr. and family
Monique Perez
Ruben Perez and family
Clarissa Chapa Radke
Carlos Reynolds
Freida Riley
LaVerne Sneed
Joshua Stephens (Seminarian)
Ruben Torres
Betty Trigo
Boston Marathon Victims and families
Oklahoma Victims and families
West, Texas, Victims and family